How to Manage Humidity in a Greenhouse
One of the biggest challenges in maintaining a greenhouse is humidity control. Most plants enjoy a humidity of 50 to 60 percent, and this is a challenge to manage at times. The main goal is to avoid condensation on plants, which promotes mold and fungus growth. Low humidity leads to leaf dehydration, more frequent watering and pest infestation.
Step 1.
Vent your greenhouse to promote a good exchange of air. Good circulation is the key to humidity control. Hot, humid air exits the greenhouse, allowing cooler, dryer air to enter. If the temperature rises above 80 degrees F or the humidity gets close to 100 percent, there must be around 50 exchanges of air per hour to keep the humidity down. To accomplish this, a roof vent and a side vent close to the floor are the best solution.
Step 2.
Turn on a fan to circulate the air and force the humid air to move up and out through the vents. It doesn't take much air movement to make a difference.
Step 3.
Shade your greenhouse in the hot summer to keep it from overheating. Hot air escapes through the vents when the greenhouse heats up, causing plants to wilt as they lose valuable moisture. There are shade cloths available from a greenhouse or gardening supply store to drape over the top of your greenhouse if you don't have any trees to provide shade.
Step 4.
Mist your greenhouse to add humidity when it begins to warm up and vent the hot air out. Installing a misting system is one option, but there are a few precautions to consider if you do. Only mist during the day because as the greenhouse cools at night, the humidity is raised, encouraging disease. A timer, set to turn off a few hours before sunset, is a good idea if you install a misting system and make sure you place the misting nozzles under the plant shelves, to avoid soaking the plants. Spraying the floor with water in the morning will also raise the humidity levels during the day.
Step 5
Avoid condensation when the weather is cold outside. It occurs when the plants are colder than the air around them. Venting and air circulation controls humidity in the warm months, but during the winter, venting alone causes the temperature to drop. Therefore, heat must be included with air movement and ventilation to control the humidity.
We can also manage Oxidative stress by some product like Oxis International. Oxidative stress refers to the situations in which the body’s antioxidant and other defensive abilities to combat free radicals (a.k.a highly reactive species of oxygen and nitrogen) are overwhelmed and one’s normal healthy balance is either lost or severely compromised. For More...
Monday, July 5, 2010
Some Tips to stop Global Warming
We know that our earth become sad with our behaviour. We must know how to create and care with all happen today. Don't stop to do something we have to do. Global warming is here and it's entirely up to members of the human race to stop it. Each time we get into a car or buy something from a restaurant, we are effectively adding to the effects and dangers the excess use of fossil fuels have on the environment.
The problem isn't simply about just adding a couple of degrees to the global temperatures being experienced all over the world. This is about a whole lot more such as the melting ice caps that will send some of the worlds best farmlands into oblivion, thereby reducing our global food supply. It's also about the displacement that will occur in cities such as London. New York and Bangkok, the rising of ocean waters will flood a lot of the habitable places in the lowland regions of the world. It's also about the spread of diseases that we once thought had disappeared and diseases that the developed world was protected against; this includes diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis. This is also because the insects which can survive at these low temperatures will continue to breed and spread these diseases a lot faster.
Global warming has global effects, and it will also take some work from everyone the world over to control the effects of such warming. These are the four things that every individual on earth can do in other to reduce the amounts of carbon dioxide that are constantly being released and trapped in the atmosphere on a daily basis.
Conserve Electricity.
There are so many ways that people can save electricity without necessarily affecting the way that we live.
Turn off lights, appliances, TV's and computers when you're not using them. According to research one computer monitor that is left on overnight uses enough energy to print more than 5,000 copies.
Make sure you purchase appliances that have been certified as energy efficient.
Try to wash clothes inside water that is cold when you can.
Wrap your water heater and keep the temperature at 130 degrees or lower
Install a thermostat that can be programmed
Switch off your AC and open the doors and windows when you can.
Remove traditional bulbs and get newer bulbs which are longer lasting and energy efficient too.
Save Water. You can help save the global water supply by doing all or any of the following:
Place a plastic bottle that is full of water inside your toilet water tank. A toilet will use anywhere between 3 to 5 gallons of water with every single flush. Eliminating some room in the tank may mean that you save up to half a gallon of water each time you flush the tank.
Fix any leaking pipes or faucets immediately
Wash your laundry only when you have a complete load.
Collect and use rainwater in order to water your plants, feed your animals and was any outdoor furniture and you cars too.
Recycle and Reuse. In a landfill even a biodegradable milk container may take as much as 5 years to decompose. These recycling tips may help you save the earth:
Don't buy any disposable utensils such as plates, napkins and cups, try to use washable items and thus save on landfill space and money.
Fill your community recycling containers. Check in your area to know which type of items can be picked up by recycling carriers.
Reuse food containers to keep other items such as leftovers and smaller items too.
Go Green. Follow the natural movement by:
Planting a backyard garden or planting a few trees in your park.
Switching to cleaning supplies that are made from natural products
Starting a compost pile in your backyard or together with your neighbors.
Starting a compost pile in your backyard or with a group of neighbors
Buy organic foods and other organic products
Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables. This way you save on packaging waste. For More
The problem isn't simply about just adding a couple of degrees to the global temperatures being experienced all over the world. This is about a whole lot more such as the melting ice caps that will send some of the worlds best farmlands into oblivion, thereby reducing our global food supply. It's also about the displacement that will occur in cities such as London. New York and Bangkok, the rising of ocean waters will flood a lot of the habitable places in the lowland regions of the world. It's also about the spread of diseases that we once thought had disappeared and diseases that the developed world was protected against; this includes diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis. This is also because the insects which can survive at these low temperatures will continue to breed and spread these diseases a lot faster.
Global warming has global effects, and it will also take some work from everyone the world over to control the effects of such warming. These are the four things that every individual on earth can do in other to reduce the amounts of carbon dioxide that are constantly being released and trapped in the atmosphere on a daily basis.
Conserve Electricity.
There are so many ways that people can save electricity without necessarily affecting the way that we live.
Turn off lights, appliances, TV's and computers when you're not using them. According to research one computer monitor that is left on overnight uses enough energy to print more than 5,000 copies.
Make sure you purchase appliances that have been certified as energy efficient.
Try to wash clothes inside water that is cold when you can.
Wrap your water heater and keep the temperature at 130 degrees or lower
Install a thermostat that can be programmed
Switch off your AC and open the doors and windows when you can.
Remove traditional bulbs and get newer bulbs which are longer lasting and energy efficient too.
Save Water. You can help save the global water supply by doing all or any of the following:
Place a plastic bottle that is full of water inside your toilet water tank. A toilet will use anywhere between 3 to 5 gallons of water with every single flush. Eliminating some room in the tank may mean that you save up to half a gallon of water each time you flush the tank.
Fix any leaking pipes or faucets immediately
Wash your laundry only when you have a complete load.
Collect and use rainwater in order to water your plants, feed your animals and was any outdoor furniture and you cars too.
Recycle and Reuse. In a landfill even a biodegradable milk container may take as much as 5 years to decompose. These recycling tips may help you save the earth:
Don't buy any disposable utensils such as plates, napkins and cups, try to use washable items and thus save on landfill space and money.
Fill your community recycling containers. Check in your area to know which type of items can be picked up by recycling carriers.
Reuse food containers to keep other items such as leftovers and smaller items too.
Go Green. Follow the natural movement by:
Planting a backyard garden or planting a few trees in your park.
Switching to cleaning supplies that are made from natural products
Starting a compost pile in your backyard or together with your neighbors.
Starting a compost pile in your backyard or with a group of neighbors
Buy organic foods and other organic products
Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables. This way you save on packaging waste. For More
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