Sunday, October 3, 2010

Go Green This Holiday

Artificial Christmas Trees - Go Green This Holiday

Artificial Christmas Trees are a great alternative to live ones. They are ideal for allergy sufferers and they help to save the environment. What are you waiting for? Go Green and save a tree!

Artificial Christmas Trees can be made to look identical to a real Christmas one, but they can also be created in wonderful holiday colors, shapes, sizes or styles, One of my favorites would be a tree covered in snow. They really help bring out that wonderful holiday season! These are even a better choice if you happen to live in a warmer environment where snow is impossible. These are commonly referred to as flocked Christmas trees.

There are also artificial trees that are pre-lit and decorated. These can be a great choice if you do not like to decorate your tree and you do not want the hassle of storing all of the lights and decorations.

Fiber optic trees are a fantastic type of tree. These wonder of technology are amazing to watch. The colors will change right before your eyes. They also use less power that an artificial tree with traditional lighting. So you can feel good about that you are doing even more for the environment.

Whatever type of tree you get for this wonderful holiday season make sure that you get a stand that can support the weight of your tree. Once you add the lights and decorations a tree can weigh twice as much and you do not want your new tree to come crashing down as Santa is putting the presents underneath.

With all of the choices available this season, you should have no problems finding the perfect artificial Christmas tree for your home!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

10 Tips Go Green at Home

The World is crying loudly to defend from Global Warming now. Actually we must try to little think about this problem. Everyone must do this before everything to be lately. When we are watching television, listening the radio or reading newspaper, all information tell us the worst disaster such as floods, earthquake, global warming, etc. So, what will we do to save this? I think some people care of this situation. From my Blogs, I really want to sharing some simple tips which it can start from our home.

Maybe there are a lot of tips in Google Searching Information, but i catch one simple tips which we can start to do. Let's we start now.

10 Tips Go Green at Home:

1. Plant an herb garden. It’s good to have a reminder around of where our food originates.
2. Switch all your light bulbs to CFLs (or at least switch a few).
3. Create a homemade compost bin for $15.
4. Stop using disposable bags – order some reusable bags, or make your own.
5. Wash laundry in cold water instead of hot.
6. Turn off lights when you leave the room.
7. Better yet, walk or ride a bike to your errands that are two miles or closer.
8. Support your local economy and shop at your farmer’s market.
9. Turn off your computer completely at night.
10. Reuse scrap paper. Print on two sides, or let your kids color on the back side of used paper.

If you want to know more about simple ways from Home to be Go Greener, Please read and practise more. that are still 40 tips more. Read Here.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Manage to our humidity Green House

How to Manage Humidity in a Greenhouse

One of the biggest challenges in maintaining a greenhouse is humidity control. Most plants enjoy a humidity of 50 to 60 percent, and this is a challenge to manage at times. The main goal is to avoid condensation on plants, which promotes mold and fungus growth. Low humidity leads to leaf dehydration, more frequent watering and pest infestation.


Step 1.
Vent your greenhouse to promote a good exchange of air. Good circulation is the key to humidity control. Hot, humid air exits the greenhouse, allowing cooler, dryer air to enter. If the temperature rises above 80 degrees F or the humidity gets close to 100 percent, there must be around 50 exchanges of air per hour to keep the humidity down. To accomplish this, a roof vent and a side vent close to the floor are the best solution.

Step 2.
Turn on a fan to circulate the air and force the humid air to move up and out through the vents. It doesn't take much air movement to make a difference.

Step 3.
Shade your greenhouse in the hot summer to keep it from overheating. Hot air escapes through the vents when the greenhouse heats up, causing plants to wilt as they lose valuable moisture. There are shade cloths available from a greenhouse or gardening supply store to drape over the top of your greenhouse if you don't have any trees to provide shade.

Step 4.
Mist your greenhouse to add humidity when it begins to warm up and vent the hot air out. Installing a misting system is one option, but there are a few precautions to consider if you do. Only mist during the day because as the greenhouse cools at night, the humidity is raised, encouraging disease. A timer, set to turn off a few hours before sunset, is a good idea if you install a misting system and make sure you place the misting nozzles under the plant shelves, to avoid soaking the plants. Spraying the floor with water in the morning will also raise the humidity levels during the day.

Step 5
Avoid condensation when the weather is cold outside. It occurs when the plants are colder than the air around them. Venting and air circulation controls humidity in the warm months, but during the winter, venting alone causes the temperature to drop. Therefore, heat must be included with air movement and ventilation to control the humidity.

We can also manage Oxidative stress by some product like Oxis International. Oxidative stress refers to the situations in which the body’s antioxidant and other defensive abilities to combat free radicals (a.k.a highly reactive species of oxygen and nitrogen) are overwhelmed and one’s normal healthy balance is either lost or severely compromised. For More...

Some Tips to stop Global Warming

We know that our earth become sad with our behaviour. We must know how to create and care with all happen today. Don't stop to do something we have to do. Global warming is here and it's entirely up to members of the human race to stop it. Each time we get into a car or buy something from a restaurant, we are effectively adding to the effects and dangers the excess use of fossil fuels have on the environment.

The problem isn't simply about just adding a couple of degrees to the global temperatures being experienced all over the world. This is about a whole lot more such as the melting ice caps that will send some of the worlds best farmlands into oblivion, thereby reducing our global food supply. It's also about the displacement that will occur in cities such as London. New York and Bangkok, the rising of ocean waters will flood a lot of the habitable places in the lowland regions of the world. It's also about the spread of diseases that we once thought had disappeared and diseases that the developed world was protected against; this includes diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis. This is also because the insects which can survive at these low temperatures will continue to breed and spread these diseases a lot faster.

Global warming has global effects, and it will also take some work from everyone the world over to control the effects of such warming. These are the four things that every individual on earth can do in other to reduce the amounts of carbon dioxide that are constantly being released and trapped in the atmosphere on a daily basis.

Conserve Electricity.

There are so many ways that people can save electricity without necessarily affecting the way that we live.

Turn off lights, appliances, TV's and computers when you're not using them. According to research one computer monitor that is left on overnight uses enough energy to print more than 5,000 copies.
Make sure you purchase appliances that have been certified as energy efficient.
Try to wash clothes inside water that is cold when you can.
Wrap your water heater and keep the temperature at 130 degrees or lower
Install a thermostat that can be programmed
Switch off your AC and open the doors and windows when you can.
Remove traditional bulbs and get newer bulbs which are longer lasting and energy efficient too.

Save Water. You can help save the global water supply by doing all or any of the following:

Place a plastic bottle that is full of water inside your toilet water tank. A toilet will use anywhere between 3 to 5 gallons of water with every single flush. Eliminating some room in the tank may mean that you save up to half a gallon of water each time you flush the tank.
Fix any leaking pipes or faucets immediately
Wash your laundry only when you have a complete load.
Collect and use rainwater in order to water your plants, feed your animals and was any outdoor furniture and you cars too.

Recycle and Reuse. In a landfill even a biodegradable milk container may take as much as 5 years to decompose. These recycling tips may help you save the earth:

Don't buy any disposable utensils such as plates, napkins and cups, try to use washable items and thus save on landfill space and money.
Fill your community recycling containers. Check in your area to know which type of items can be picked up by recycling carriers.
Reuse food containers to keep other items such as leftovers and smaller items too.

Go Green. Follow the natural movement by:

Planting a backyard garden or planting a few trees in your park.
Switching to cleaning supplies that are made from natural products
Starting a compost pile in your backyard or together with your neighbors.
Starting a compost pile in your backyard or with a group of neighbors
Buy organic foods and other organic products
Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables. This way you save on packaging waste. For More

Friday, April 9, 2010

Three Methods to save Our Earth from Global Warming

Over the years, people have become more and more destructive of the environment and natural resources. In past history, people relied heavily on the land for day to day living, and much of what was used was natural in context. For example, the earliest homes were built by hand using natural lumber that was allowed a period of growth and replenishment. However, as time went on, more and more time saving devices and inventions were introduced, with many of them having harmful side effects on the environment.

Though there is absolutely nothing wrong with progress, there can be detrimental environmental effects when people are not careful with natural resources and become inconsiderate of the environment. One of the side effects of such carelessness that is cause for much concern lately is global warming. As temperatures rise and shorelines recede, this problem can no longer be ignored.

Over the past century, the neglect of the environment has resulted in the buildup of excessive carbon dioxide gases in the atmosphere resulting in a rise in average temperature by a full degree. If the issue of global warming is continually ignored, temperatures are apt to rise much more quickly in this century having a debilitating impact on the Earth’s delicate ecosystem.

However, there are steps that you can take to help curb the effects of global warming on the environment. One of the simplest things that you can do to reduce the impact of global warming is to make better lifestyle choices each day concerning the environment. Here are three methods that you can implement daily to help reduce the effects of global warming:

(1)Since the excessive use and consumption of fossil fuels is one of the main culprits in global warming, you can choose to rely less on them. This means that you should better choices when it comes to transportation. Walk or cycle if possible for nearby tasks. If you commute, then form a carpool with your co-workers. And finally, choose the most fuel efficient car possible – you may even consider a hybrid.

(2)Another smart method of reducing the effects of global warming on the environment is to make a conscious effort to conserve energy in and around your home and office. Use “Energy Star” appliances when possible and turn off electrical items and electronics that are not in use.

(3)A third method of helping to reduce the effects of global warming is to buy and use recycled products whenever you can. You can also recycle and re-purpose items around your home. These are only a few of the methods that you can implement to help reduce the effects of global warming. If everyone becomes an advocate for the environment, then the impact that global warming has on our lives and future generations can be greatly diminished. Be sure to do your part by actively searching for ways to protect the environment – every little bit helps.

Please, The Earth is asking rest from smoking

Todays People are cigarrete smokers knows that by smoking can hurt they are only hurting themselves. No body want to be hurt by smoking. In fact, bad effects can be caused by cigarrete usage. It can hurt themselves and also around people near them. And actual it can hurt the environment too. We all have to care about this problem. for more

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Indonesia’s Renewable Energy Potential

Indonesia is the biggest country one's, as we know it possible to find anything like source energry. Wind, Oil and Gas, solar energy for example.
Indonesia has a large new and renewable energy potential, which includes 450 MW of mini/micro hydro power, 50 GW of Biomass, 4,80 KWh/m2/day solar power, 3-6 M/sec wind power, and 3 GW of nuclear energy. This new new and renewable energy potential is explained by the Director General of Electricity and Energy Conservation at the Focus Group Discussion on the Supply and Demand of New and Renewable Resources held by Pusdatin ESDM.

Currently the development of renewable energy is regulated by Presidential Decree No.5 / 2006 regarding the national energy policy. This decree states that the contribution of new and renewable energy in the 2025 national primary energy mix is estimated at 17%, consisting of 5% biofuel, 5% geothermal power, biomass, nuclear, hydro, and wind, and also liquefied coal at 2%. The government will take measures to to add the capacity of Micro Hydro power plants to 2,846 MW by 2025, Biomass of 180 MW by 2020, wind power (Bayu power plant) of 0,97 GW by 2025, solar of 0,87 GW by 2024, and nuclear power of 4,2 GW by 2024. The total investment needed for this development of new and renewable energy sources up to the year 2025 is projected at US$ 13,197 million. for more

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Simple Ways to Saving Energy

Below are simple ways to save energy effective, if done properly can reduce further expenditure of water, electricity and vehicles.

1. When a TV, DVD and other communication devices are not used, the source of electrical power is turned off (TVs and DVDs in the STAND BY position still consume a few watts of electrical power)
2. At the time not being used, turn off the computer and monitor. Many who argue that the save mode of the monitor is to save electricity, is actually a design to reduce wear monitors. in fact, it can reduce electric power consumption with hibernate modes. At the time the computer is in hibernate mode electric power consumption will be reduced up to 80%.
3. Use the natural wind to dry the dishes or clothes, do not be dried with a dishwasher.
4. If you want to wear clothes washing machine or dishwasher, wait until the number of dishes and clothes to be washed that enough. Also Try to operate the machines outside the hours when the electrical load at peak.
5. We can take a bath with shower. Used enough water to take a bath.
6. Lower the temperature of the water heater (water heater) up to 120 degrees F (about 48 degrees C)
7. Choose the power-saving light bulbs (compact fluorescent bulbs). High-quality light bulbs sold in the market, not only lighter, more power-efficient, age was also longer in use can reach 5 to 8 years.
8. We Should exercise prudence in driving. Aggressive driving such as speeding, stepped on the gas pedal or brakes suddenly everything is a waste of fuel.
9. We can use the Energy Star labeled appliances or power-saving Energy Saving. These labels indicate that the product has gone through rigorous testing from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and also meets the American Electric Saver Standards.
10. The best to reduce the frequency of opening and closing the refrigerator.
11. Fit curtains or sun protection to reduce the room temperature. In addition, the planting of various crops can not only provide fresh taste even functioning greening the environment.
12. Utilization of AC: the temperature setting is extremely important, temperature 26 ~ 28 degrees C, most power-efficient. In addition, air conditioning filters also need to be washed every 2 - 3 weeks in order to maintain the function of lowering the room temperature and accelerate the circulation of air.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Making Flute Water

Flute water is usually sold in stores which it is the result of the distillation process. This process purifies the water through a process of heating, evaporation, and condensation. Money just the same gasoline production process (Premix or Premium) or diesel / In the experiment this time we will learn the process of distilling water.
Necessary equipment
1. Plastic hose
2. Pumpkin boiling or bulb can be replaced with a container that has been emptied its contents
3. Rubber stoppers which can be taken from the flip-flops used.
4. Reservoir bottle of the former jam jar
5. Heating Stove
6. Flask holder that can be made of container used drinks cans.

1. First we fill the bulb with a pumpkin or turbid water. This water can be obtained from puddles or gutters.
2. Bulb is already filled our water with rubber stoppers the mouth sandals. Then we make a hole to inserted hose in middle of our plugs.
3. Other end of the hose we fill into a jam jar. This will accommodate a jam jar of water that has been purified by distillation process.
After all is ready, boil water in the flask. Water vapor will enter into the hose. In the interval, water vapor will condense and melt. Water drops will go into the bottle as a reservoir of pure water.

Garbage can Generate Electricity

Rubbish actually not just can processed into fertilizer compost or something, but also could doped for produce electricity. Even, garbage in Jakarta produced average 20,000 tons per day such can manufacture electrical energy helpless 100 megawatt and give income average RP 320 billion per year.

As we know that garbage urban organic basically is biomass (organic component) convertible become energy through number process processing both using nor without oxygen high temperature. Energy generated shaped electrical energy, gas heat energy and cold who many needed industries, like cool storage, office building, and hotel. Including fertilizer for agriculture and plantations

The concept of waste to energy if it can answer a basic consideration when deciding the type of technology will be used to convert urban waste into a valuable product to sell. Big-city production of waste can reach hundreds of tons per day should use technology that can wipe out the waste quickly, in order to avoid congestion. This will also save the investment in the use of the land that is needed. It being given the size of budget for waste management in each year, must be used for technology that can generate yield (earnings yield), which have high economic value. Click Here

Cassava and Palm Oil to Alternative Energy

Advances in technology are now able to transform cassava and palm oil into alternative energy in overcoming the crisis of fuel oil.
Cassava can be processed into bioethanol and palm oil into biodiesel that can be utilized by mixing ten percent of the four types of fuel.
Mixing of fuel with 10 percent bioethanol and biodiesel is very possible, as required internationally.
Therefore, the more expensive crude oil prices, some alternatives to save on fuel usage has been offered, including cassava processing technology and oil palm.
If both types of mixing materials that fuel can be produced, will be able to save at least Rp 9 trillion a year in fuel subsidies. Click Here

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cassava Battery

Cassava is very easy to get and cheaper too; a small cassava stems are cut into four parts. with zinc and copper plates stick and then connected with a small cable to the calculators and digital watches. The result? Secondly it lights up and stays accurate!
Cassava can produce electricity because it contains a liquid electrolyte to produce electricity. 'For that I call this simple technology Cassava Batteries'.
I am interest with this articel after reading in internet and various books if apples and oranges can also generate electricity. 'Starting from where I was interested in continuing this invention. I suspect other fruit, even cassava can also generate electricity.